
The Greenlandic sled dog (qimmeq) is an iconic symbol of Northern indigenous hunting traditions.

Greenlandic sled dogs have incredibly thick fur to keep them warm during winters that can dip below -30° F.

Their paws are broad with fur between the toes to give them an advantage on the ice and snow.

The Greenlandic sled dog is a unique breed refined over millennia by indigenous people for their unmatched ability to survive the extreme conditions of the Arctic.

The constant howls of this highly vocal dog species is the undeniable soundtrack of community life in Northwest Greenland.

The sled dogs are a feature of everyday life. They are not considered pets, but rather as invaluable tools for Arctic survival.

The sled dogs are absolutely essential to life in the northern hunting communities where they are used to pull sleds across the sea ice to reach winter and spring hunting grounds.

Sled dogs can sense weak ice before it becomes too dangerous. 

There are countless stories of sled dogs saving the life of their owner by refusing to traverse thin ice or successfully navigating home in whiteout blizzards.

Today, the Greenlandic sled dog is in peril. Due to climatic changes and increased reliance on modern technologies, only about 12,000 sled dogs remain. A massive decline of over 50% in under 20 years.

Despite this decline, the sled dog remains important as a symbol of cultural resilience in the modern era and as an irreplaceable tool for the subsistence hunters in Greenland’s far north.


Alle Alle


A Penguin's Life